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Webinar Materials

APRIL 2018

How Do We Hold the Tension Between Chaplain Beliefs and Patient Choices?
Presented by Dr. Vicki J. Farley, DMin, BCC


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Program Summary
Chaplains walk with people of all faiths and no faith. As chaplains, we hold our own faith and the faith of our patients as we walk with them through many life choices. We meet our patients where and how they are and walk alongside them, treating each with dignity, honor and respect. Along that journey, we often encounter patient choices that do not fit with our personal beliefs or the beliefs of our faith community. How do we, as chaplains, hold this tension when it goes against our beliefs?

Program Objectives
By the end of this webinar, participants will:
  1. Articulate one’s own experience when one’s beliefs are challenged by patient choice.
  2. Explore coping strategies and how effective are they in this circumstance.
  3. Identify one’s values surrounding one possible conflict of values such as assisted death.

About the Presenter
Vicki Farley is a board certified chaplain (2002) and a member of NACC since 2000. She’s worked 6 years in acute care and 10 years in hospice and palliative care with Providence Health & Services. She holds a Masters’ degree in Pastoral Ministry from Seattle University and one in Clinical Leadership: End-of-Life Care from George Washington University. She earned her Doctor of Ministry from Seattle University in 2017. Her doctoral project was Support for chaplains working with patients choosing assisted death. In 2014 she wrote The Chaplain’s Role Where Aid in Dying is Legal for Health Progress Journal Jan-Feb 2014.'s-role-where-aid-in-dying-is-legal. She presented Assessing and Addressing Spiritual Suffering for the Oregon Hospice Association, 2013, and Total Pain Takes a Total Team with Dr. Ames, D. Kempe Jacobowitz, MD, MPP, and Mary Meikle, LCSW, at the 2012 Providence Hospice Fall Conference.


Apr 19 2018 Webinar Fact Sheet (participants) (The Fact Sheet contains call-in instructions and numbers)
How Do We Hold the Tension Between Chaplain Beliefs and Patient choices (Revised)
How Do We Hold the Tension Between Chaplain Beliefs and Patient choices (3 slides per page, revised)

CEH certificate

CEH certificate (all 2018 webinars) (PDF)

Webinar recordings

April 19, 2018 recording