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Webinar Materials

Pastoral/Spiritual Care for Abuse Victims and Their Families

Presented by Allison K. Kern, MDiv (eq), MA


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Program Summary
One in three women experience abuse from their male partner in their lifetime. In this presentation Ally Kern provides key insights into the prolific reality of domestic abuse. Specifically addressing the ministry of chaplains, clergy, and pastoral caregivers, we will explore the predominant theological questions that arise when working with Christian female survivors, and gain specific skills in providing practical and empowering spiritual care for survivors to be free to heal.

Program Objectives
  1. To gain awareness of the prolific issue of domestic violence against women in our society
  2. To engage with theological issues surrounding the experience of domestic abuse
  3. To be equipped as pastoral caregivers to helpfully respond to victims

About the Presenter
Ally Kern is an advocate for empowering women worldwide with over fifteen years of experience working in leadership roles for churches and international development organizations in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. She has traveled extensively to over 30 countries and specializes in working with gender-based violence, inspired by her passion for gender equality and ending abuse against women.

Recognizing the critical role religion plays in violence against women, she works as a professor of practical theology while pursuing a Doctorate where she is doing groundbreaking interdisciplinary research in the fields of neuroscience, trauma, and spirituality. Ally will utilize this research to create the first domestic violence recovery course that is spiritually, psychologically, and theologically-integrated. This course aims to empower survivors to experience transformational healing in mind, body, and spirit and will be offered by churches around the world.

Ally speaks and lectures with a passion to see the global Christian church equipped and mobilized to end gender-based violence and empower women to heal and flourish.


December 13 2018 Webinar Fact Sheet (participants) (The Fact Sheet contains call-in instructions and numbers)
Domestic Abuse Chaplaincy (PDF)

CEH certificate

CEH certificate (all 2018 webinars) (PDF)

Webinar recordings

December 13, 2018 recording